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Advisory Committee
Joon Mo Ahn
Professor, Department of Public Adminstration, Korea University
Chaesung Chun
Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University
Chair, National Security Research Center, East Asia Institute (EAI)
Kisuk Kang
Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
Director, Center for Rechargeable Batteries, Seoul National University
Jeong-Han Kang
Professor, Department of Sociology, Yonsei University
Byung-Yeon Kim
President, Institute for Future Strategy, Seoul National University
Professor, Department of Economics, Seoul National University
Sanguk Kim
Professor, Department of Life Science, Pohand University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
Seung-hoo Kim
Dean, The College of Medicine, Ulsan University
Yu-Hwan Koh
President, Korea Institute for National Unification
Professor Emeritus, Department of Political Administration, Dongguk University
Hee-Ok Lee
Professor, Department of Political Science & Diplomacy, Sungkyunkwan University
President, Sungkyun Institute of China Studies
James Ryu
Sanghoun Song
Director, Center for Digital Humanities, Korea University
Ji-Won Son
Director, Technology Policy Research Institute, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)
Vice Dean of University-Institute Cooperation, Graduate School of Energy and Environment, Korea University
Hoon Sohn
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
Chair, Center for 3D Printing Nondestructive Testing, National Research Foundation of Korea
Yul Sohn
President, East Asia Institute