Sources Subject Published
The Diplomat Can China and the US Find Common Ground on Military Use of AI?

Entrusting AI with the autonomy and power to deploy nuclear weapons is a scenario to be avoided at all costs. Time to take baby steps toward that goal.

The Korea Times Quo Vadis, America?

Korea must prepare for the uncertainty of American politics

The Korea Times Value divide behind global governance deficit

Korea can help shape the new global agenda

The Korea Times AI: ultimate double-edged sword

Korea can facilitate global consensus on responsible AI governance

The Korea Times Looming nuclear turmoil

Korea must reassess security policy from scratch

The Korea Times 90 seconds to midnight

Korea must proactively mitigate and adapt to existential risks

The Korea Times Navigating the storm: anticipating the challenges of 2024

Korea should conduct pragmatic assessment while pursuing visionary solutions

The Korea Times Geopolitical economy of tech

Korea must have clear priorities and resilient responses

The Korea Times High expectations for APEC

Korea must be defender of open and inclusive regional order

The Korea Times New sustainability agenda

Korea must step up to the plate as an aspiring global pivotal state

The Korea Times Era of minilateralism

Korea should play more roles in new global order

The Korea Times Specter of climate suicide

Time for Korea to become climate champion

The Korea Times Time for 'K-diplomacy'

Significant increase in official development assistance should be first step

The Korea Times Emerging bloc dynamics

South Korea elected as a non-permanent member of UNSC

The Korea Times ROK-US alliance 3.0 at 70

President Yoon Suk Yeol paid a state visit to the United States last week at a doubly symbolic moment. This year South Korea and the United States celebrate 70 years of partnership in arms. But the celebration takes place under cloudy skies fraught with mounting volatility and uncertainty for the global and regional orders.

The Korea Times World Expo 2030: Elusive dream or watershed moment for Korea's takeoff?

This week marks a crucial milestone in Korea's years-long quest to host the World Expo 2030. A senior delegation from the World Expo Organization or Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) will visit Korea's candidate city, Busan, for an on-site inspection. The Enquiry Mission's assessment will play an instrumental role as over 170 member states of the BIE prepare to vote this November.

The Korea Times Russian nuclear roulette

Ahead of its widely expected spring offensive in Ukraine, Russia announced its decision to suspend its participation in New START, a landmark nuclear arms control treaty between the United States and Russia, which has recently been extended to Feb. 4, 2026. This decision is the latest in a series of Russian attempts to pressure the West through nuclear blackmail.  

The Korea Times Japan's new security policy: normalizing or remilitarizing?

The Japanese government has announced a new security policy aimed at acquiring counter-strike capabilities and doubling its defense expenditure over the next five years. This is a significant departure from Japan's long-held policy of limiting its security posture strictly to self-defense. It is also the second step taken by the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)-led government to expand the mandate of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF). The first attempt came in 2015 in the form of a new security law authorizing the JSDF's overseas deployment for U.N. peacekeeping operations and collective self-defense activities.  

The Korea Times Decoding Korea's Indo-Pacific Strategy

The phrase Indo-Pacific has become quite fashionable in international relations lately. It has replaced Asia-Pacific as the main term describing the evolving geopolitical dynamics across the region, which includes players from North America and Oceania.

The Korea Times North Korean riddle: what next after nuclear test?

North Korea is ramping up pressure through a series of missile tests and harsh verbal attacks against South Korea's top government officials. The intensity of North Korean provocations is well illustrated by a record number of missiles launched on one day ― over twenty ― as well as the unprecedented frequency of missile tests averaging more than once a week for the last three months. Most observers concur that the seventh nuclear test is imminent. It is simply a matter of when, not if.

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