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The Future Consensus Institute (Yeosijae) held an online seminar with the Director of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and a professor at Columbia University, Jeffrey Sachs.
In the seminar with Jeffrey Sachs and the former UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs and the Chair of the International Advisory Board at Yeosijae Won-soo Kim, the participants discussed the challenges of sustainability amid the COVID-19 crisis. The highlights of the seminar are as follows:
1. Overcoming the sustainability crisis that emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic requires a comprehensive Green New Deal, incorporating both smart technologies and green energy.
2. Pushing ahead with comprehensive solutions in the absence of global leadership (or in the so-called ‘G0’ world) will require a new, creative, and flexible model of global cooperation
3. East Asian countries that have had relative successes in controlling the COVID-19 outbreak could take center stage, to partner with the countries of Southeast Asia, Oceania, and Europe to form a “Eurasian Green New Deal Alliance”.
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