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[TAEJAE FCI FORUM HIGHLIGHT] Age of AI and the Future of Global Security
@Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat, Seoul
· hosted by TAEJAE Future Consensus Institute
· organized by TAEJAE Future Consensus Institute, TAEJAE University, TAEJAE Research Foundation, The Chosunilbo
- Opening: Kim, Sung-Hwan (President of TAEJAE FCI / Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea)
- Keynote Speech: Ban, Ki-Moon (The 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations)
- Panelists: [Moderator] Kim, Yong-Hak (Former President of Yonsei University)
Kim, Won-Soo (Chair of International Advisory Board, TAEJAE FCI / Former USG and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs of the UN)
Webster, Graham (Research Scholar of the Stanford University Center for International Security and Cooperation)
Lu, Chuanying (Senior Research Fellow of Shanghai Institute for International Studies)
Yoo, Yong-Won (Former Military Journalist of the Chosunilbo)
- Disscussion and Q&A
※ Each video of the seminars are on TAEJAE FCI’s Youtube channel.
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